Log Transform Interpretation


Log transformations can be useful when a variable is very right-skewed, or multiplicative effects are desired over additive. However, interpretation can be challenging.

We are always discussing the natural log (ln), i.e. loge .

Multiplicative vs Percent Change

Note that multiplicative changes can be expressed as percent changes and vice-versa. For example, multiplying a value by 1.3 is equivalent to increasing the value by 30%, or conversely, decreasing a value by 15% is equivalent to multiplying it by .85.

Logged Outcome

A 1 unit change in a predictor is associated with a exp(β^) multiplicative change in Y, or a (100*(exp(β^)1))% change in Y.



Assume our regression equation is

E ( Y | X = x ) = β 0 + β 1 x .

If we regress on the log of Y instead,

E ( log ( Y ) | X = x ) = β 0 + β 1 x .

By Taylor expansion,

log ( E ( X ) ) E ( log ( X ) ) .

Therefore we can write

E ( Y | X = x + 1 ) = exp ( β 0 + β 1 ( x + 1 ) ) = exp ( β 0 + β 1 x + β 1 ) = exp ( β 0 + β 1 x ) exp ( β 1 ) = E ( Y | X = x ) exp ( β 1 ) .


(mod1 <- lm(log(disp) ~ drat, data = mtcars))
lm(formula = log(disp) ~ drat, data = mtcars)

(Intercept)         drat
     8.2782      -0.8323

Therefore a 1-unit increase in drat is associated with an exp ( . 8323 ) . 435 multiplicative change in disp, corresponding to a 56.5% decrease.

To test this, we predict the ratio in predicted outcome with some values of drat, and that value increased by 1. Note: We exponentiate the predicted values to get them on the outcome scale.

exp(predict(mod1, newdata = data.frame(drat = 5)))/exp(predict(mod1, newdata = data.frame(drat = 4)))

Repeat with different values of drat to show that all that matters is the change in the predictor, not its starting value.

exp(predict(mod1, newdata = data.frame(drat = 5)))/exp(predict(mod1, newdata = data.frame(drat = 4)))


We can visualize this relationship by basic plotting commands. First, generate predicted values. We will do this by generating an artificial X variable (drat) spaced over its range, obtaining predicted values, and then exponentiating them.

new_drat <- seq(min(mtcarsdrat),
                                             length.out = 100)
                                             yhat1 <- exp(predict(mod1, newdata = data.frame(drat = new_drat)))

Take note of the call to exp() in the line defining yhat1.

Next, we can plot the best fit line, overlaying on top of the observed values.

plot(yhat1 ~ new_drat, type = "l")
with(mtcars, points(disp ~ drat))
Plot of disp versus drat from the model where disp (the outcome) is log-transformed

Logged Predictor

A k% change in a predictor is associated with β ^ log ( 1 + k 100 ) change in the outcome.



Assume our regression equation is

E ( Y | X = x ) = β 0 + β 1 x .

If we include log ( x ) instead, we have

E ( Y | X = x ) = β 0 + β 1 log ( x ) .

Consider when X = c x where c is some constant (e.g. 2 for a doubling of X or 1.3 for a 30% increase in X).

E ( Y | X = c x ) = β 0 + β 1 log ( c x ) .

Therefore if we look at the difference in expectation,

E ( Y | X = c x ) E ( Y | X = x ) = β 1 ( log ( c x ) log ( x ) ) = β 1 log ( c ) .


If your percent change is small (a few percent) then you can approximate the change. This is because log ( 1 + x ) x when x is close to 0. So to approximate what effect a 1% change in X would have, simply multiply β ^ by that value: 0.1 β ^ . This works reliably well up to ± 3 % , moderately up to ± 5 % and gets much worse beyond that.


(mod2 <- lm(disp ~ log(drat), data = mtcars))
lm(formula = drat ~ log(disp), data = mtcars)

(Intercept)    log(disp)
     7.2301      -0.6875

Therefore a 25% increase in disp is associated with a 0.688 log ( 1.25 ) = 0.153 change in drat.

To test this, we predict the difference in predicted outcome with some values of disp, and that value increased by25%.

predict(mod2, newdata = data.frame(disp = 5)) - predict(mod2, newdata = data.frame(disp = 5*1.25))
predict(mod2, newdata = data.frame(disp = 11)) - predict(mod2, newdata = data.frame(disp = 11*1.25))


We'll do a similar plot, except we'll let R handle the logging and exponentiating. We'll re-use new_drat created in the earlier example.

yhat2 <- predict(mod2, newdata = data.frame(drat = new_drat))
plot(yhat2 ~ new_drat, type = "l")
with(mtcars, points(disp ~ drat))
Plot of disp versus drat from the model where drat (the predictor) is log-transformed

Both Logged

A k% change in a predictor is associated with a ( 1 + k 100 ) β ^ multiplicative change in the outcome.





(mod3 <- lm(log(disp) ~ log(drat), data = mtcars))
lm(formula = log(drat) ~ log(disp), data = mtcars)

(Intercept)    log(disp)
     2.2763      -0.1905

Therefore a 25% increase in disp is associated with a 1.25 . 1905 = 0.958 multiplicative change in drat, corresponding to a 4.2% decrease.

To test this, we predict the difference in predicted outcome with some values of disp, and that value increased by 25%.

predict(mod3, newdata = data.frame(disp = 5)) - predict(mod3, newdata = data.frame(disp = 5*1.25))
predict(mod3, newdata = data.frame(disp = 8)) - predict(mod3, newdata = data.frame(disp = 8*1.25))


Again, a similar plot, letting R handle the log in the predictor, and we'll manually exponentiate the outcome. Again, re-use new_drat created in the earlier example.

yhat3 <- exp(predict(mod3, newdata = data.frame(drat = new_drat)))
plot(yhat3 ~ new_drat, type = "l")
with(mtcars, points(disp ~ drat))
Plot of disp versus drat from the model where both predictor and outcome are log-transformed

Compare Visualizations

The three plots can look very similar, let's plot them simultaneously just to show that they are in fact three different curves.

with(mtcars, plot(disp ~ drat))
lines(yhat1 ~ new_drat, col = "red")
lines(yhat2 ~ new_drat, col = "blue")
lines(yhat3 ~ new_drat, col = "green")
Plot of disp versus drat with all three curves

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