Power Analysis Simulation Example

There a lot of resources online about carrying out power analysis with tools such as G*Power for closed-form tests (e.g. a lot of univariate/bivariate tests like t-test or chi-square, and perhaps some simple regression) or tools like the R package simr which carry out an automated simulation of a specific form of a mixed model.

However, what I can't find online, are good fully worked out examples of pure simulation - generate fake data, run your analysis, and estimate power. This is a fully worked out example. It assumes you're already familiar with the basics of power analysis at the level of t-tests or similar, but need to understand how to code up a simulation of a more complex example.

The Setup

Let's make up an experiment. Say we're studying whether participants are more likely to believe a statement spoken by someone older or younger. We bring participants into the lab, and show them some videos - in half the videos, the subject is young, and in half, the subject is old. We'll also assume there's some external intervention that produces a treatment and control group; perhaps the treatment group are first primed on the laws about age bias.

To make this concrete we'll have the following design:

To account for between-participant bias, we'll fit a mixed effects logistic regression model:

logit P ( y ij | x ) = β 0 + β 1 z i + β 2 condition j + β 3 z i condition j + β 4 age i + β 5 duration ij + δ i

i represents participant, and j their trial. So we have variables at all levels - particpant level (age), trial level (condition), and participant-trial level (duration, and obviously y). δ represents the random intercept for participant (their overall likelihood of believing a statement).

Simulating Data

First, here's some code to generate a simulated data set. Note that "proper" R programming would be to pass the parameters in as arguments to the function, and in all other cases I strongly suggest you do that, but in simulations like this, it's often nice to define them at the top like this.

How did I come up with these values? This is where power analysis becomes impossible - they're guesses. Simple as that. Sometimes you may have some informed guesses (previous results, pilot studies, common sense) but still guesses. And if your guesses are wrong (and they are ALWAYS wrong), then your power analysis is wrong. But hopefully they're close enough to the "truth" to be useful.

n_subj <- 100
n_trial <- 12

beta_intercept <- -1
beta_z <- .4
beta_condition <- .8
beta_z_condition <- .4
beta_duration <- .3
beta_age <- .002

random_int_sd <- .5

simulate <- function() {
  simdata <- data.frame(id = rep(seq_len(n_subj), each = n_trial),
                        trial = rep(seq_len(n_trial), times = n_subj),
                        z = rep(0:1, each = (n_subj/2)*n_trial))

  ## trial specific condition
  simdata$condition <- rep(rep(0:1, each = 6), times = n_subj)

  ## subject specific age
  age <- round(runif(n_subj, 18, 50))
  simdata$age <- rep(age, each = n_trial)

  ## subject-trial specific duration
  simdata$duration <- rnorm(n_trial*n_subj, .5, .1)
  simdata$duration[simdata$duration < .1] <- .1 # Just in case we have any
                                                # extreme values

  simdata$random_intercept <- rep(rnorm(n_subj, 0, random_int_sd), each = n_trial)

  simdata$logit <- with(simdata,
                        beta_intercept +
                        beta_z * z +
                        beta_condition * condition +
                        beta_z_condition * condition * z +
                        beta_duration * duration +
                        beta_age * age)

  simdata$p <- 1 / (1 + exp(-simdata$logit))
  simdata$y <- rbinom(n_subj * n_trial, 1, simdata$p)

Now, we can look at a simulated data set:

> head(simulate(), 12)
   id trial z condition age  duration random_intercept        logit         p y
1   1     1 0         0  33 0.4043053       -0.4704536 -0.812708414 0.3073136 1
2   1     2 0         0  33 0.5258304       -0.4704536 -0.776250893 0.3151285 0
3   1     3 0         0  33 0.6370943       -0.4704536 -0.742871706 0.3223765 1
4   1     4 0         0  33 0.6574723       -0.4704536 -0.736758324 0.3237134 0
5   1     5 0         0  33 0.6612624       -0.4704536 -0.735621287 0.3239624 1
6   1     6 0         0  33 0.4414852       -0.4704536 -0.801554431 0.3096931 1
7   1     7 0         1  33 0.3395555       -0.4704536 -0.032133336 0.4919674 1
8   1     8 0         1  33 0.5837512       -0.4704536  0.041125369 0.5102799 1
9   1     9 0         1  33 0.4559606       -0.4704536  0.002788174 0.5006970 0
10  1    10 0         1  33 0.5712586       -0.4704536  0.037377583 0.5093433 0
11  1    11 0         1  33 0.4007802       -0.4704536 -0.013765941 0.4965586 1
12  1    12 0         1  33 0.5567252       -0.4704536  0.033017569 0.5082536 0

Run the Model

Next, we need to run the model against the simulated data to obtain the p-value.

fit_model <- function() {
  simdata <- simulate()

  ## Fit model
    model <- glmer(y ~ condition * z + duration + age + (1 | id),
                   family = binomial,
                   data = simdata)

    ## Extract p-value for fixed effect
    fixed_effects <- summary(model)$coefficients
    p_value <- fixed_effects["condition:z", "Pr(>|z|)"]

  }, error = function(e) {

Note the use of the tryCatch there. That says "if this code runs, great, just do it. If it crashses, do the error = bit instead, which returns NA. Otherwise, an error would stop your simulation prematurely.

> fit_model()
[1] 0.06101131
> fit_model()
[1] 0.3603404
> fit_model()
[1] 0.1031708

Run the simulation

Finally, we just run this some large number of times and calculate the percentage of significant p-values - that's your power. (This will be slow!)

> result <- replicate(1000, fit_model())
> cat(paste("\nEstimated power:", round(mean(result < .05, na.rm = TRUE), 2), "\n"))
Estimated power: 0.34

Important: do not use set.seed until you are ready to submit your work!. The point of a simulation is the randomness; if you set a seed, you break the randomness, and are no longer protected. Run the entire procedure 3-4 times to ensure you get consistent results; if not, increase the number of simulations.

Also, remember, this is the power only for this specific test. Not the model, the test of that interaction coefficient being non-zero. If you want to power for a different coefficient, you can change fit_model() and re-run it.

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