Random Selection

A common task is to select a random subset of rows from your data set. This document discusses an easy way to do this, including sampling from subsamples.


We’ll load up the “auto” data set and shrink it down substantially in order to be able to print out the results.

. sysuse auto
(1978 automobile data)

. keep make foreign

. bysort foreign: gen row = _n

. keep if row <= 4
(66 observations deleted)

. drop row

. list, sep(0)

     | make             foreign |
  1. | AMC Concord     Domestic |
  2. | AMC Pacer       Domestic |
  3. | AMC Spirit      Domestic |
  4. | Buick Century   Domestic |
  5. | Audi 5000        Foreign |
  6. | Audi Fox         Foreign |
  7. | BMW 320i         Foreign |
  8. | Datsun 200       Foreign |

Simple Random Sample

Let’s say we want to select 4 rows, as a simple random sample. That is, the probability of any row being included in the sample is equal.

First, we’ll generate a random number per row. You can use any distribution you want; uniform or normal are common.

. generate rand = rnormal()

. list, sep(0)

     | make             foreign        rand |
  1. | AMC Concord     Domestic   -.4705035 |
  2. | AMC Pacer       Domestic   -.3938664 |
  3. | AMC Spirit      Domestic   -.2524172 |
  4. | Buick Century   Domestic   -1.404408 |
  5. | Audi 5000        Foreign   -.8082101 |
  6. | Audi Fox         Foreign   -.0387205 |
  7. | BMW 320i         Foreign    1.185362 |
  8. | Datsun 200       Foreign   -.2958094 |

rnormal takes in 2 optional arguments of a mean and standard deviation; the defaults are 0 and 1 respectively.

If you prefer uniform, you call generate rand = runiform(a, b) where a and b are upper and lower bounds, e.g. generate rand = runiform(0, 1).

Now we simply sort by this new variable.

. sort rand

. list, sep(0)

     | make             foreign        rand |
  1. | Buick Century   Domestic   -1.404408 |
  2. | Audi 5000        Foreign   -.8082101 |
  3. | AMC Concord     Domestic   -.4705035 |
  4. | AMC Pacer       Domestic   -.3938664 |
  5. | Datsun 200       Foreign   -.2958094 |
  6. | AMC Spirit      Domestic   -.2524172 |
  7. | Audi Fox         Foreign   -.0387205 |
  8. | BMW 320i         Foreign    1.185362 |

Finally, we can identify our sample.

. gen insample = _n <= 4

. list, sep(0)

     | make             foreign        rand   insample |
  1. | Buick Century   Domestic   -1.404408          1 |
  2. | Audi 5000        Foreign   -.8082101          1 |
  3. | AMC Concord     Domestic   -.4705035          1 |
  4. | AMC Pacer       Domestic   -.3938664          1 |
  5. | Datsun 200       Foreign   -.2958094          0 |
  6. | AMC Spirit      Domestic   -.2524172          0 |
  7. | Audi Fox         Foreign   -.0387205          0 |
  8. | BMW 320i         Foreign    1.185362          0 |

Recall that _n refers to the current row number, so this is just flagging all rows 4 and below!

Sample by Subgroup

Consider the sample we obtained above, and notice that we sampled 3 domestic cars and 1 foreign car. Since it was a simple random sample, that split is random; we could have just as easily obtained all foreign cars or any other combination. Perhaps we want to force some balance, for example, that our random sample is exactly 2 foreign and 2 domestic.

We’ll generate a new random number first just as before.

. drop rand insample

. generate rand = rnormal()

. list, sep(0)

     | make             foreign        rand |
  1. | Buick Century   Domestic   -1.179235 |
  2. | Audi 5000        Foreign    1.503948 |
  3. | AMC Concord     Domestic    .0767283 |
  4. | AMC Pacer       Domestic    -.627642 |
  5. | Datsun 200       Foreign   -1.122534 |
  6. | AMC Spirit      Domestic   -1.491838 |
  7. | Audi Fox         Foreign    .0291835 |
  8. | BMW 320i         Foreign   -.7714012 |

Now when we sort, we’ll sort by foreign first.

. sort foreign rand

. list, sep(0)

     | make             foreign        rand |
  1. | AMC Spirit      Domestic   -1.491838 |
  2. | Buick Century   Domestic   -1.179235 |
  3. | AMC Pacer       Domestic    -.627642 |
  4. | AMC Concord     Domestic    .0767283 |
  5. | Datsun 200       Foreign   -1.122534 |
  6. | BMW 320i         Foreign   -.7714012 |
  7. | Audi Fox         Foreign    .0291835 |
  8. | Audi 5000        Foreign    1.503948 |

So we have two separate randomly sorted lists here. To select a fixed number from each, we can use the bysort prefix.

. bysort foreign (rand): gen rownumber = _n

. gen insample = rownumber <= 2

. list, sep(0)

     | make             foreign        rand   rownum~r   insample |
  1. | AMC Spirit      Domestic   -1.491838          1          1 |
  2. | Buick Century   Domestic   -1.179235          2          1 |
  3. | AMC Pacer       Domestic    -.627642          3          0 |
  4. | AMC Concord     Domestic    .0767283          4          0 |
  5. | Datsun 200       Foreign   -1.122534          1          1 |
  6. | BMW 320i         Foreign   -.7714012          2          1 |
  7. | Audi Fox         Foreign    .0291835          3          0 |
  8. | Audi 5000        Foreign    1.503948          4          0 |

(Recall that when calling bysort, any argument in parentheses is used for sorting, not for by’ing. Since I sorted by foreign and rand above I probably could have just used the prefix by foreign:, however, I prefer always using bysort with full sorting just to avoid any issues.)

We could have also enforced an unequal split in foreign:

. gen insample2 = rownumber <= 3 if foreign == 0
(4 missing values generated)

. replace insample2 = rownumber <= 1 if foreign == 1
(4 real changes made)

. list, sep(0)

     | make             foreign        rand   rownum~r   insample   insamp~2 |
  1. | AMC Spirit      Domestic   -1.491838          1          1          1 |
  2. | Buick Century   Domestic   -1.179235          2          1          1 |
  3. | AMC Pacer       Domestic    -.627642          3          0          1 |
  4. | AMC Concord     Domestic    .0767283          4          0          0 |
  5. | Datsun 200       Foreign   -1.122534          1          1          1 |
  6. | BMW 320i         Foreign   -.7714012          2          1          0 |
  7. | Audi Fox         Foreign    .0291835          3          0          0 |
  8. | Audi 5000        Foreign    1.503948          4          0          0 |

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