Package website: release | development
rlemon provides convenient access to the LEMON C++ graph library. Built with the most recent version of LEMON (1.3.1), it provides an R interface to algorithms to solve the following problems:
Problem | Algorithm(s) |
Graph Search | breadth-first search (BFS), depth-first search (DFS), Maximum Cardinality Search |
Shortest Path | Bellman-Ford, Dijkstra, Suurballe |
Minimum Spanning Tree | Kruskal, Minimum Cost Arborescence |
MaxFlow | Push-relabel algorithm for the network circulation, Edmonds-Karp, Preflow |
MinCostFlow | Primal Network Simplex, Capacity Scaling, Cost Scaling, Cycle Canceling |
Minimum Cut | Hao-Orlin, Gomory-Hu, Nagamochi-Ibaraki |
minMeanCycle | Hartmann-Orlin, Howard’s policy iteration, Karp’s |
Matching | Edmond’s blossom shrinking algorithms, Push-relabel , Augmenting path |
Connectivity Algorithms | Topological Sort, Check for Bipartite, loops, simple, or eulerian graphs, check for parallel edges |
PlanarEmbedding and Drawing | Planar Embedding, Schnyder’s planar drawing, Planar Coloring |
Traveling Salesperson | Christosfides, Greedy, Insertion heuristic, Nearest Neighbor, 2-opt |
Approximation Algorithms | Grosso, Locatelli, and Pullan |
1-indexing vs 0-indexing
The LEMON C++ library uses 0-indexing, as is common in C++, meaning a graph of 5 nodes will be labeled 0 through 4. R almost exclusively uses 1-indexing, meaning the same graph of 5 nodes will be labeled 1 through 5.
For consistency in R, all function in R expect 1-indexing, and convert to 0-indexing before passing to C++.
Rebuilding website
Run make build_site
(or, directly, devtools::build_site(quiet = FALSE)
) to build the site. Assuming the package is currently on a development version, this will build the dev site to docs/dev. To build the release site, checkout the most recent tagged release, e.g. git checkout v0.2.1
. Build the site in that commit, which should populate docs/. Checkout back to main, and both pkgdown sites should be build.