Josh Errickson

Office: 3555 Rackham (inside CSCAR suite)
Email: jerrick (at)

I am a statistical consultant at CSCAR and an adjunct lecturer in the Department of Statistics at the University of Michigan.

Below you will find various resources I’ve created which may be useful.

My cartoony avatar

Me, elsewhere

My blog. I mostly use it as an external memory, cataloging coding or statistical issues that I want to be able to recall later.

My teaching website.

Me on Codeberg and GitHub. My dotfiles.

R packages

Stata packages

A page of my Stata packages, including angelhair, ranefplot, and kublakhan.

Shortform Documents

Statistical Notes: Documents discussing various statistical topics.

Useful References: A collection of papers that may be useful citations.

Stata SEM Examples: A simple list to all the various Stata SEM Examples manual.

Longform Documents

Workshops: Notes for workshops I have given.

Marginal Effects: A document on using marginal effects (marginal means and marginal slopes) to improve interpretation of regression coefficients, especially in the presence of an interaction. Presents as a Rosetta stone for Stata’s margins command and several R packages.


Misc. Code & Software: Bits and bobs that are probably useful to almost nobody, about topics like Linux or Emacs.

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